Biden embarrasses himself in first press conference of 2021

And: The experts speaking out against mandates are dropping like flies 


Hi Liberty Lovers. With the Rona narrative unfolding so quickly, we have to expect the more totalitarian leaders will try desperately to cling to their newfound power. It’s not going to be easy, but now there’s a road out of this dystopian nightmare. 

Today’s featured story:

Biden brutally embarrasses himself at first presser of 2022. Says Putin will probably invade Ukraine, makes bizarre gafs… the usual 


Additional stories for you:

Total u-turn: are the Rona overlords finally coming to their senses? Or is this part of the plan?

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Will the rest of the world follow England’s lead in dropping the mandates? Or will Big Pharma rule 2022?


Homelessness is a manufactured crisis 

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“Let them eat bugs.” Globalists want us on a high protein diet of crickets


In England, mask Karen’s will have to find something else to to harass people for in supermarkets 


—-Important Message from Matt Cook—-

Women LOVE a man with high testosterone — so just pop this in your mouth for an instant boost

Did you know women are naturally drawn to men with higher T?

Crazy, but true:

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Women just sense it and get super hot for a guy — and it ends up giving men with high T a huge edge over other guys.

Because men with high testosterone get better boners, last longer in bed, enjoy a higher drive, and perform better than men with low T. 

And if you let your testosterone get too low, your wife or girlfriend will certainly notice…

Here’s what happened to one guy and his wife before he used these bite-size instant T boosters — don’t let this happen to you!