Does this Medicare data reveal 48465 died from jab

And: More guns means safer streets and this proves it… 


Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. We have a President who can’t seem to make up his mind, or give a straight answer. Will he or will he not go to war over Ukraine? Does he even know where he is on most days? 

Today’s featured story:

Medicare  stats say 48,465 died within two weeks after the jab, but are listed as unvaxxed. What’s their agenda? 


Additional stories for you:

Parents of white school shooters and black gang bangers are held to different standards by the woke media 


Biden flip-flops saying now he won’t protect Ukraine from Russian invasion – then sends another $300 Million worth of weapons. It may not be American soldiers on the ground, but it sure is American military hardware


South Korea is eagerly moving towards a dystopian society where human to human contact is obsolete – and it’s thanks in part to the pandemic

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Facebook admits their “fact checkers” are merely opinion —used to censor anyone they disagree with, especially regarding climate change, Rona, and Conservative talking points


Men only: Watch this video if you want to fix diabetes without pills 


New Hampshire loves their guns and also has the lowest murder rate in the nation. More legal guns equals less crime?

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–Ashleigh Dunn