Fauci will threaten you via text message

And: CNN’s pedophile problem — why are none of the media talking about this blockbuster story?


Hey Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. Remember when the Salvation Army told us all to check our white privilege? Well, now all the black families they were providing for are going hungry because of their racist comments. 

Today’s featured story:

WTF? Alleged pedophile CNN producer arrested and fired for luring mother and nine year old daughter for unlawful sex encounter. These people are freaks


Additional stories for you:

The heavily jabbed NFL is experiencing a massive Rona outbreak. Just more proof that the experimental vax is ineffective

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Get woke go broke. After calling their white donors “racists” the Salvation Army cries the “situation is dire” when white donors stop donating


Denver school segregates playground time by skin color – advertises it on their billboard

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Is the Canadian Government covering up this woman’s Vax related death? 


Men only: Are you making one of these 5 testosterone mistakes? 


Faucci is going to send us text reminders threatening to get our booster shots. It is just another step to a total surveillance state. Will they also disable our “block sender” function?