Teacher caught taping mask to child’s face

And: Man claims Moderna jab gave him Hepatitis


Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh here. With all the proven side effects of the Pfizer jab, now they’re saying Moderna’s juice is giving people Hepatitis. What disease will they discover the jab is giving people next? These poor Guinea Pigs. 

Today’s featured story:

School district apologizes after photo goes viral of teacher taping mask to child’s face 

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Additional stories for you:

Scientist censored after publishing paper on disturbing side effects of the jab. Data collected from VAERS 


Rona dictators freaking out now that England has left the club 

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Moderna jab linked to Hepatitis in healthy man 


Joe Rogan calls out “stupid” intellectuals for labelling everyone “alt-right” 


Why is the CCP still buying up American farmland? 


—-Important Message from Matt Cook—-

These men are having intercourse every day — and they’re older than 100

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I’ve found a hidden group of men in the Eastern Bloc who are living well past 100, even 115 and 120… AND having great sex.

Not just good sex, GREAT sex. As if they are men in their prime, in their 20s and 30s!

And I’ve identified one single thing these older men are doing (that I am now doing myself) that leads to a very long and sexy life.

Keep in mind, these men routinely smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and eat what they want.

Here’s the amazing discovery that lets these men live to 115 or 120 or more and still “do it” with their wives or girlfriends.