This American town wiped off the face of the earth

And: Why won’t hospitals give life saving drugs to dying Rona patients? 


Hey Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here with your daily dose of Liberal nonsense. Ever notice that the people who call themselves anti-fascist – are the biggest fascists? 

Today’s featured story:

The leftists are losing power and it’s a glorious thing to behold 

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Additional stories for you:

Woman dies after hospital refuses Ivermectin treatment – even though they had it readily available. They just want their Big Pharma bonuses


Get ready for sky high energy prices – The Dems just quietly passed a stealth tax on natural gas


This entire American city was just obliterated by a killer Tornado

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Is the vax causing stillbirths in women? This doctor says “Yes” 


Men only: Can hairloss be reversed in men? 


Antifa is trying to sue journalist Andy Ngo for posting publicly available riot videos on Twitter. Lefties aren’t known for having high IQ

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–Ashleigh Dunn