Your kids may be reading gay porn in school

And: The WHO says Rona will never end… they wish!


Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here with today’s stories. Can you believe rather than teaching border guards how to protect our borders, they’re putting them through CRT training? Stop brainwashing our border control agents! 

Today’s featured story:

North Carolina parents charge school board over 100 obscene books. What weird sh*t are they teaching our kids about gender and sex? 

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Additional stories for you:

China says they will destroy any US forces that try to save Taiwan from Invasion 

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While Russia is flying terrifying hypersonic nukes in space, we’re upgrading Grandpa’s “gravity” nukes from the 1960’s. Should we be catching up, or building more bunkers? 


Is Ivermectin treatment the cause of Africa’s low Rona mortality? This study say yes — and yet as a treatment, it’s mostly banned in the West 


Men only: Here’s the natural cancer-fighting powder Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about


The Elite’s plan is for boosters, boosters, and more boosters… forever. That seems to be about it


US Customs and Border Protection to host “Unconscious Bias” seminar for all staff, with a focus on “diversity and inclusion…” These people are nuts

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–Ashleigh Dunn