Zombie Joe and the woke mob’s plan to destroy American family values

Hello there, Liberty Lover.
In today’s news:
- Zombie Joe’s new “inclusive” gender policy–boys to be shunned forever…
- Dr. Facui is at it again… You won’t believe what he’s saying now…
And finally…
- We feature another article from writer Tom Luongo…Goes deep on the partisanship plaguing our nation…
So, Liberty Lover, yesterday I talked to you about transgenderism.
It’s apparent Zombie Joe has let his minions free to do his bidding.
The Democrats want to destroy traditional American values.
What we discussed yesterday is one way in which they will carry out this sick agenda.
However, I read a wonderful article yesterday.
The author, Lisa Britton, made some fascinating points. One of which was how American culture, especially the left…
…Has become so obsessed with empowering women that men have been left behind.
The author says,
“In addition to watching our boys fail while pushing girls ahead, there has been a mainstream anti-male propaganda campaign taking place…”
“…Essentially shaming and blaming boys and their masculinity. They’re just defective girls. They’re inherently monsters. They must change to be acceptable in our modern-day society.”
The idea that men are ahead in society is a complete fabrication made up by the left and mainstream media it turns out.
In fact, boys are indeed being left behind while the left and the woke mob want to do nothing but promote women.
Yes, I get it. Of course, women need equal rights to men. But the radical left thinks that women should be propped up above men.
This exclusion of masculinity…
…Has allowed boys in schools everywhere to fall behind girls at extraordinary rates. Many experts believe that schools are intentionally leaving boys behind.

This chart above is absolutely astounding, especially towards the end.
Men/boys are now being incarcerated at rates exponentially higher than women.
However, I think the most important statistic here that we should pay attention to is the rates of suicide in men/boys.
What I’ve gathered…
…Is that all of these problems begin at a young age.
Imagine… A young boy gets left behind in school. He becomes depressed… He’s bullied… His family life is awful… He has a mother who shames him for being a boy…
Now, as the boy gets older… Say he’s 16 now… He has no chance of going to college because his grades are awful. So, he starts using drugs and alcohol.
He has no money, no job, and no support whatsoever. He’s just laughed at and called a loser.
How do you think this boy will respond to this adversity? It could be in a positive way. He could lift himself by his bootstraps and take matters into his own hands…
…However, I think the more likely scenario is that he gets involved in crime. Then, he gets arrested… Goes on probation… And the whole cycle just continues…
…Until one day, he meets a tragic end either by suicide, homicide, or a life sentence behind bars.
Zombie Joe’s egregious “inclusive” gender policy would be better named “exclusive gender policy.” Because that’s really what it is.
This isn’t my opinion, Liberty Lover. Just look at the facts. The woke mob wants to destroy masculinity and lead us into a dark period of human history…
…With no family values and no respect for one another.
I think this is all psychological warfare. This is one way how Zombie Joe and his woke mob cronies will try to stay in power forever…
…By exploiting vulnerable individuals and brainwashing the public to shame boys and men.
No More Masks

I just want to preface this section by saying…
…I want to thank Dr. Fauci for doing such a horrendous job that now his whole mask agenda is collapsing on itself.
But I’ve got to come clean about something, Liberty Lover.
I always thought that these mask mandates were hocus pocus from the get-go.
There. I said it. And the unfortunate thing is…
…Is that this has not made me a very popular person.
When I go out on the street, and I’m walking on the sidewalk with no mask…
…I get a lot of looks from people, and none of them are pleasant.
What’s even more ridiculous to me…
…Well, this one time I wore a mask down the street just to see how people would react…
…And even when I had a mask on, and they had a mask on…
…They would still walk off the sidewalk and avoid me!
It’s totally bogus. So what’s the point of wearing a mask if you have to avoid all human contact anyways? The entire mask agenda is collapsing on itself…
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…And I can believe more Americans aren’t waking up to this fact.
The fact that the mask agenda is collapsing on itself couldn’t be more apparent to me…
…After I read this stunning article this morning, where it was revealed that… Well, I’m just going to quote it for you here… This is what it says,
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly admitted that the mask mandates in America were allegedly responsible for less than a 2 percent decrease in COVID case growth after ONE HUNDRED DAYS…”
…But still the CDC advises wearing masks, despite their own numbers. (READ: CDC Caught Inflating COVID Death Numbers By At Least 1600 Percent While Trump Was President).”
After 100 days, experts are estimating that the virus was only reduced by a whopping 2%!
Even the CDC, who I believe is just an arm of the Deep State agenda, can’t lie about it anymore.
It’s clear. We don’t need to be wearing masks anymore. It’s time to resist this ridiculous agenda.
I’m with Governor Abbot all the way, and I will support his decision 100% to lift mask mandates in the Lone Star State.
So, wherever you live, Liberty Lover…
Whether it be Texas, Florida, or Alaska… Support any politician in your local and state governments which are going against the federal mask mandates.
Now, before we go… As always on Wednesdays, I’d like to share with you a special treat.
One of my favorite writers, Tom Luongo, allowed Daily Liberty News to publish his new article, It’s the Debt Stupid.
I really found his publication to be enlightening. I thought I knew just how bad debt was going to get with the Biden administration’s stimulus plan…
…But Tom brought some really fascinating details to light which I was unaware of.
So, without further ado, here’s Tom’s new article.
I hope you enjoyed today’s newsletter, and that you’ll stay tuned for more!
Ashleigh Dunn, your favorite editor and chief, is signing out.
Love from your favorite Blonde Bombshell,

It’s the Debt, Stupid
Special to Daily Liberty News – original article by Tom Luongo
Nearly thirty years ago Bill Clinton won the presidency with four simple words which summed up the failures of Bush the Elder’s administration…
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
In January, Joe Biden took office in the wake of a ‘pandemic’ which devastated the global economy. And to the best of my ability to parse, Biden believes COVID-19 more dangerous to America than the damage to its economy our response created.
It’s hard to parse anything Biden says because on the best of days he’s mostly incoherent.
Partisan Lines
But the divide along partisan lines engendered by COVID-19 are deep. It emboldens him and the Democrats to extend the narrative that COVID is more dangerous than a broken economy for as long as possible, using it to exercise unprecedented power in U.S. history.
Biden has asked for a national mask mandate as a kind of Works Project Administration for the 21st century. Let’s all come together in fear to beat the virus by destroying what’s left of the middle class and the Constitution.
Nowhere is that divide more pronounced now than in seeing which states have followed Florida and North Dakota’s lead in refusing to go along with the fear. In the past week important states like Texas and Missouri have seen their governors lift occupancy restrictions on buildings.
They have opened their states while openly defying Biden and the media’s continued insistence on being afraid of the virus.
There’s an infinite gulf between respecting the power of something and living in fear of it.
That message applies equally to any health emergency as well as our governments.
But so much damage to the psyche of America has already been done. I see it all the time living in Florida. I see it on the faces of the people coming in from the locked-down states. They are afraid to walk freely.
They look like they were just released from prison. Because they were.
Frankly, they’re a bit freaked out about how casual we are about the whole thing. And this isn’t to say we don’t still respect the virus. But we won’t let it consume us with fear.
Fear is the antithesis of liberty.
Fear makes people crazy. It robs them of their reason and allows unscrupulous politicians to run wild stoking it for their own cynical purposes.
And the cynical purpose du jour is the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It intends to destroy the current economy and build it back better by taking total control over the flow of capital via surveillance and digital money.
They sell this to their constituency as a sustainable and green economy, an equitable one built on the false premise that capitalism is unfair.
Hari Kiri
Which brings me back to Bill Clinton and his four words that won the presidency back in 1992.
Politically, the Democrats are committing hari kiri continuing this fear campaign. Most people don’t want to live in fear. Most people went along with this out of politeness, not ideology.
They are fleeing the states with the most draconian laws concerning COVID.
Their businesses are gone. Their children depressed if not suicidal.
The fear is a narrative to mask the real problem we’re facing, which the World Economic Forum and the Democrats know all too well.
The unsustainability eating away our economy isn’t a function of capitalism’s rapaciousness, it’s a function of debt. While Debt has its place in any good economic system, it’s use is also a two-edged sword.
It’s supposed to be used when you can properly price the risk of an investment and borrow money at a rate lower than the investment’s rate of return, in essence sharing the profit of the enterprise with the person who loaned you the money.
Debt is the thing we’ve used to pay for all these social promises made by Bill Clinton and those who came after him.
The debt incurred for buying social welfare, a massive military and over-educating our children indiscriminately because these things are unequivocal societal goods without limit reflects the main failing of the U.S. political system.
And the Biden administration is still trying to sell us on these ideas when it’s clear the bills are due.
The Debt Incurred by COVID stimulus
Debt is the thing choking off any prospect of growth, post COVID. This knowledge is what animates the Millennial generation to strange acts of rebellion like creating a short squeeze on Game Stop’s stock and bidding up the price of Bitcoin.
The debt in the West, including Europe, is so large now it is impossible to even entertain ever paying it off.
So, they aren’t even going to try.
Every day that Congress passes another stimulus package or another pork-filled budget, is another day in which we reach the point where we’re issuing new debt to service the old debt.
Paying our societal Visa bill with our Mastercard and hoping no one notices.
That’s why there’s all this worry today over rising interest rates.
Rising interest rates in a healthy economy are supposed to be a sign of recovery, of the economy getting back on its feet because the demand for dollars is rising and the expected return on investments are rising as well.
But that doesn’t jibe at all with the “COVID will kill us all” narrative. Even with the promise of vaccines they won’t let go of the fear.
Now the CDC comes out and tells us we can act normally in our homes if we’ve been vaccinated, but not in public.
Do they not understand how insane they sound?
Biden and the Democrats want to have it both ways. They want the promise of oceans of stimulus money to spark a new investment boom after destroying our livelihoods while telling us to stay locked up in our homes.
For the layman who only knows he has rent to pay, workers on leave, customers going bankrupt and children not getting educated, he doesn’t care about any of the grand dreams of politicians and oligarchs.
He looks at the people in Texas and Florida and says, “Something’s not right here.”
And we here in Florida look at them and go, “Yeah, and it ain’t us, y’all!”
Because it isn’t a recovery we’re now facing, even though major states like Florida and Texas are operating close to normal now. It’s a loss of confidence in the people in charge of this insanity.
Because interest rates also rise when the investors, the buyers of the debt, look at the landscape and say, “Nope, I need a better return than 1% on ten-year money because I don’t think you’re likely to pay me back.”
Final Thoughts
That’s what has the Biden administration spooked right now. The fear they are projecting onto us via COVID-19 is really their fear that we’ll stop believing a word that comes out of their mouths.
When that day comes, likely sometime later this year, rates will rise in such a way that no amount of money will control.
So, no matter how much they try to buy us off with free money they’re just putting off the day when they will be the ones that pay the price.