Cancer rates triple in the military – linked to jab

And: Walmart is employing Coov cops to follow the unjabbed around the store


Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. Do you have Bitcoin? I do, and it’s been a wild ride with this latest crash. I’m no financial advisor, but personally I’m going to buy a little bit more. 

Today’s featured story:

Cancer rates have tripled for young warriors in the US military. Guess why? 


Additional stories for you:

After this recent crypto crash, should you buy, or sell? 

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Walmart in Quebec, Canada, now requires staff to follow the unjabbed, to ensure they don’t purchase anything but food, or medicine. How will they manage having more unjabbed patrons than nannies?


You can no longer abort babies in Pennsylvania


Nanci the demon hag Pelosi announced she’s running for Satanic Counsel… err, re-election 

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Antifa thugs cancel Andy Ngo’s event on Far Left Violence


Men only:  Here is the diabetes reversing breakfast for men