Ontario Premier Doug Ford declares state of emergency – will fine and jail truckers

And: Watch kids celebrate taking off their masks for good 


Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. You must watch these videos of kids cheering when they’re told to take their slave masks off. We can never let this happen again. 

Today’s featured story:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford flips on dropping mandates, now says he will impose $100k fines and prison time for Freedom Truckers 


Additional stories for you:

Reporter asks Dana White (UFC boss) about Joe Rogan, black fighter takes the mic instead 


Truedope says the only way to get your freedom back, is to give up your freedom

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The left’s response to the Freedom Truckers proves that they hate the working class they claim to represent 


These videos of kids celebrating the end of wearing masks at school make me tear up 

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Why is Joe Rogan so popular? 

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Mix this up in your kitchen and stay cancer free?

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I’ve discovered the most remarkable white powder with stunning health benefits… 

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