And: Men will be allowed in women’s prisons?
Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. The brave truckers may have been defeated at the battle of Ottawa, but their message inspired millions, maybe billions, that they are not helpless slaves, and their voices can be heard. That battle may be over but the war is far from it.
Today’s featured story:
Dem states are considering letting men into women’s prisons and hiding their true gender
Additional stories for you:
Small businesses are raising prices to keep up with soaring inflation
Israel to surround country with a biblical wall of deadly lasers

Joe Rogan just heard about the Great Reset… and he’s shocked! Lol. About time Joe
Bill Gates hints there’s another pandemic coming. He can’t wait!

If you want a profitable investment look into funeral homes. They are surging right now
Men only: This unusual practice is saving relationships every day