And: Kamala tweets anti USA sentiments in Farsi
Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. The Canadian cops have started rounding up the convoy organizers. They’re also seizing people’s assets, including their crypto. I think this is only going to make the protestors even stronger.
Today’s featured story:

Additional stories for you:
Police arrest freedom convoy leader
Memo shows Biden doesn’t see border surge ending any time soon
The climate fascists are coming for your classic cars

——–Sponsored Post – Men Only———
Waking up over and over again to pee? Here’s the simple solution Hey there, it’s Dr. Magill here, and are you a man who’s making frequent trips to the bathroom, leaving in the middle of meetings or meals? Do you suffer from urgency, so that when you need to go you need to go now? Except that when you finally get to the bathroom you’re just standing there, and it’s taking forever for you to finally experience that relief of being able to go… Are you getting up more than once a night? Maybe even three or four times? Can you even sit through a whole movie? Or worse, do you have a diminished sex drive? If any of these sound familiar, changes are that you may have an enlarged prostate.Fact #1: More than 40 million American men suffer from an enlarged prostate. Fact #2: Half of all men reading this email will someday face the same painful problems — if they aren’t already. Until now you had three choices. #1: Take expensive tablets with potentially serious side effects. #2: Face painful and possibly debilitating surgeries that are butchering millions of men. #3: Or try to live with the pain and embarrassment. And for some men these are necessary options…I’d never tell a man not to listen to his own doctor. But I want you to never have to face any of these options. I want to help you maintain your prostate health so you don’t need a doctor at all! Which is why there’s one more thing you must know… Fact #3: You don’t have to live with it anymore.That’s right — these absurdly easy-to-beat pee problems have become men’s most out-of-control disease… Because most men don’t realize that the problem isn’t with their prostate… Warmly, –Dr. Ari Magill, MD |