And: 46 million illegal born aliens in America today
Hi Liberty Lovers. Ashleigh Dunn here. There’s been a lot of talk about civil war in the last few years. And as much as the little warrior in me would love to kick some villain butt, a war isn’t ideal. War would have no winner. It would absolutely destroy America, killing millions, leading to mass starvation, and leave us open to attack from all of our enemies. No, we need a better way to save freedom and democracy.
Today’s featured story:
Additional stories for you:
Under Biden 1.6 million new illegal born aliens in America this year. Total of 46 million
A civil war would absolutely destroy life for everyone in America. Here’s why

Massacre as great white shark allowed to compete in women’s 500 freestyle (Babylon Bee)

Men only: Is your toilet paper secretly destroying your health as a man?